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Linda Tellington-Jones - Tellington TTouch Training

Linda Tellington-Jones

Linda Tellington-Jones is the pioneer of the Tellington Method which is system of training, healing and communication. It has it's roots in a philosophy that sees all beings as reflections of a Divine Whole. The Tellington Method was created over forty years ago to help people to relate to animals in a more compassionate way that connects through mind, body and spirit.

Linda's revolutionary and highly effective approach has brought her worldwide recognition. The TTEAM (Tellington TTouch Equine Awareness Method) was first developed in the 1970s. It offers an approach that encourages optimal performance and health and provides solutions to physical and common behavioral problems. It includes three phases:

  • The Tellington TTouch
  • Learning exercises from the ground
  • The Joy of Riding

She has gained international acclaim as an authority on animal behavior, training and healing, gives demonstrations throughout the world and has written many books and produced videos on the subject. Click on the images in the column on the right to review her books.

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