Laminitis - Mini

Sophie - Mini - 11 years old:
Sophie also had a laminitis attack a couple of years ago leading to seriously pathological feet. She was also receiving regular care from a farrier and he was leaving her heels long because he thought that would help with the laminitis - completely the opposite of what she needs! The top pictures show how her heels were almost
as long as her toes and she could barely walk, poor girl. The red dotted line on the bottom photo shows the angle of new growth and indicates that she is regaining a tight connection with the coffin bone. Her heels are still too high but I can't take too much off at each trim because she needs time to adjust - kind of like a woman who has been used to wearing stiletos trying to go barefoot..

Sophie had many setbacks as her owner was unable to address her diet and so in July 2009 she became a member of our herd. When she arrived she could barely walk, but after dietary changes and frequent trimming she is now happily galloping around. She still has some old damaged hoof to grow out and we will always have to be very careful about what she eats but she should live out a long happy carefree life.

sophie - laminitis
sophie - laminitis
sophie - laminitis

sophie - laminitis

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Jan 28, 2011
laminar wedge
by: Anonymous

did you remove the laminar wedge in one go, and leave her weight bearing on the soles, or did you pull it back gradually, i guess i would have removed straight away and cast the feet, would you recommend that?

***No I don't routinely rasp off the entire laminar wedge, but I do bring the break over back to as close as possible to where it should be which lets the new hoof grow in correctly. I find minis hooves are pretty resilient so rarely use casts on them, but for horses I do prefer to cast.

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