Laminitis - Long Term

Missy - Appaloosa - 20+ years old: Missy had a laminitis attack two years ago leading to seriously pathological feet. But despite fairly regularly trimming by a farrier her feet were a complete mess. The hoof wall had lost most of it's connection with the coffin bone and had flared out horribly, causing ongoing mechanical laminitis. After only two trims you can already see how by removing the flares and excess growth the hoof is now able to grow in a tighter connection at the top which will enable the hoof to heal.

Missy - laminitis
Missy - laminitis

She still has a long way to go and likely has bone damage so may never regain completely healthy feet. But she ran and bucked in her field - the first time in years - after that second trim.

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Oct 08, 2012
follow up on Missy ?
by: HappyHorse

I experienced myself severe laminitis with breakthrough of hoofbone on all 4 feet exactly one year after Missy. My mare was at the time 17. Vets had given up on her after 3 months classic caring for her which for sure meant loads of medicine and orthopedic shoeing. She is a mixture of trotter and appaloosa.
I would love to see how Missy "healing" continued in either pictures (which I would prefer) or your comments. Is this possible?
My mare participated this year in a little jumping competition and did well; especially if one remembers that lots of people said she would only be good for a "retirement"-life and happy to be caressed! Her demonstration shows that with the right treatment horses can lead a real healthy life again!
I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. If you like you can write to

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