Brittany France

by michelle preston
(Tremargat France)

Still work in progress but completed 800 meters on a old French trotting track so ground is great for barefoot. Still want to extend it as got 17 acres to play with. Next is extend into sand area with paddling pool and homemade bridge plus some toys such fun they shall have LOL.

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Oct 17, 2014
Fabulous, you will never look back now
by: Catherine Woods

This looks lovely....started my first track several years ago and as well as gradually improving it we have set up another specifically for uk have a perfect starting point there, lots of trees for shelter and shade...lucky thing, I have had to plant loads but it is so your horses are very happy

Oct 17, 2014
by: Jenny

What a great start Michelle - look forward to seeing more as it progresses.

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