Ontario - Portland

by Susanne Vogt

Happy Horse Stables

We have beautiful facilities with large pastures summer and winter for a most close to nature keep of horses amd cater to all disciplines.
If a horse has to go on indoor board it has a large box stall and daytime turn-out.

The nutrition of your equine friend is carefully tailored to your horse by our nutrition specialist on site and you. We take fecal samples before we deworm so we know what product to use and not just putting some chemical into the horse and see if it works.

Naturally they have access to hay/grass and heated water (in winter) 24/7.

Lessons are available on site, we also have clinics throughout the year. If you rather enjoy our magnificent trails you can just do that. The environment is friendly and non-competitive.

Please call for more information: 613 272 2597.

We are located south of Smith Falls / Perth.

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