
by Jenny

Montana, or Monty, is a five year old TB x TW, who loves "his racetrack" otherwise known as the paddock paradise track. He has amazing bare feet and has just been started using a bitless bridle and treeless saddle. He has wonderful paces with a huge stride and floaty trot.

He is very intelligent and playful, and loves to be a brat. He enjoys playing with our other horses and causing trouble.

It was a bit chilly the day I took the second pic!

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Nov 30, 2009
by: Jo

Firsty I love the pictures! Did Montana have gloves on too???
I would love to find out more about treeless saddles. Sounds brill.

Thanks Jo - if I said yes to the gloves, would you believe me ;o)
I have a Barefoot Treeless saddle which I love - and also a Dartmoor treeless saddle that I brought with me from the UK. I could never go back to a treed saddle now...

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