
by Sabrina Taylor

Apollo Yawning

Apollo Yawning

Meet Apollo an off the track TB who was bought for just one dollar after he severely broke down. He had been lame for years when Sabrina got him but happily after just 3 months of re-hab in a natural environment he is now completely sound and happy.

Sabrina says: "No one beleived in me and no one thought he would make it. I knew right from the start he was one of a kind a true solidier that need a chance the proper way. He is 10 years old but doesn't act like it any more :)"

The picture above shows him enjoying the results of a Reiki and massage session.

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Dec 10, 2009
yawning or singing
by: Anonymous

hi apollo's owner.
are you sure he is yawning,or singing with joy that god sent you as his guardian angel...
love the pose...........
wishing you both well.

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